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  • Writer's pictureManitoba Electrical Museum

Official Opening of the New Exhibit

Two years ago, the Manitoba Electrical Museum undertook the challenge of designing a new exhibit on the important topic of Sustainable Development. This exciting new exhibit, which encompasses the entire lower level of the museum, is now complete!

On Wednesday September 29, 2021, the Manitoba Electrical Museum has finally had its official opening for the exhibit downstairs Sustainable Development: Caring for Our Common Future. After making sure that restrictions eased up a bit, we invited guests to come join and view the exhibit. Manitoba Hydro employees, our dedicated volunteers, and the people who helped create this exhibit came together to celebrate our success.

This exhibit highlights the importance of partnerships with Indigenous communities for the protection of our natural resources for future generations. Interviews with Elder Barbara Nepinak titled the "Water Prayer", and "Land Teachings" by Knowledge Keeper, Ron Spence, tell stories of the interconnections between earth, water and all life on earth. Featured are Manitoba Hydro’s partnerships with First Nations in the development of the Wuskwatim Generating Station and Keeyask Project. The exhibit introduces concepts of sustainability, renewable resources, sustainable development, as well as the consequences of unsustainable development.

Through imaginative displays and hands-on interactives, this exhibition explores the many fascinating ways that hydro power as a renewable energy source supports the major goal for sustainable development—to ensure we have enough natural resources to support the world’s communities today and to guaranty they are still here for generations to come.

The creation of Sustainable Development: Caring for Our Common Future is not possible without:

Manitoba Hydro

Contempra Signs

Evolution AV

Erica Daniels, Film Producer

Elder Barb Nepinak, Indigenous speaker

Knowledge Keeper Ron Spence, Indigenous speaker

Paula Kelly, Exhibit Writer and Project Management

Darryl Hartle, Exhibit Designer

Our dedicated board members and volunteers

Pam McKenzie, Museum Administrator

And everyone who made it possible

We thank everyone for their hard work and support!

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